RASTECH Magazine

News Industry update
Andfjord Salmon completes pool pit excavation ahead of schedule

January 29, 2024  By RAStech staff

(Photo: Andfjord Salmon)

Andfjord Salmon announced that the excavation of the next 12 pool pits at Kvalnes, Andøya, has been completed one fiscal quarter ahead of schedule.

The company reported in November 2023 that construction on the land-based farm was also pushing ahead of schedule.

“This is a highly encouraging start that de-risks the build-out considerably by creating flexibility for the technical workstreams that are ahead of us,” said Martin Rasmussen, Andfjord Salmon CEO. 

Andjord Salmon has excavated two rows of pools, which will house six pools each which equals a total production capacity of 19,000 tonnes head-on-gutted (HOG). In this initial build-out phase, the company will complete four concrete pools, which brings the total production capacity to 8,000 tonnes HOG at Kvalnes.


“We have planned to initiate concrete works on the pools during the first quarter, which is ahead of schedule,” added Rasmussen.

They said their other two ongoing workstreams, the harbour area and waterways, are also progressing well.


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