RASTECH Magazine

News post-smolt
Fish growth exceeds expectations says Andfjord Salmon

May 9, 2023  By  Nestor Arellano

(Image: Andfjord Salmon)

Ten months after the first smolt release at its land-based salmon farm in Kvalnes, Andøya, Andfjord Salmon is reporting better than expected fish growth.

Fish in the facility have reached a weight of three kilograms and as of May 1, survival rate is at 98 per cent with a monthly survival rate of 0.1 per cent on average.

“The growth and fish welfare are beyond our expectations, explained by excellent pool conditions and colleagues that possess extensive experience and expertise from salmon farming. We have during the past couple of weeks also witnessed increased appetite from the salmon as ocean temperatures are increasing,” says Martin Rasmussen, chief executive officer of Andfjord Salmon.

He said monthly reports from fish health experts, Åkerblå, indicate the “fish health is excellent, which manifests itself in high growth and an industry-leading survival rate.”


The company released 200,000 salmon smolt with an average weigh of 120 grams at the facility in June 2022.

Andfjord Salmon holds a license to produce 10,000 tons MAB salmon at Kvalnes, equivalent to a target production volume of 19,000 tons, head on gutted (HOG).

The company is plans to carryout its first harvest in mid-June, 2023.

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