RASTECH Magazine

Features Opinion
From the editor: Let’s talk about it

May 28, 2024  By  Jean Ko Din

I am writing this editorial about a month before the biggest project of my year, which is the RASTECH 2024 Conference and Trade Fair (June 5-6 in Charlotte, N.C.). 

 As editor of RAStech Magazine, I feel it is my duty to build a program that truly reflects the issues that are top-of-mind in the industry. My dream for this event is to bring as many of the industry’s leaders and experts in the same room to talk about the challenges and develop solutions to progress for the next year. I would consider this event a success if I hear someone say that the next big thing in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) happened because of RASTECH! What can I say, I like to dream big.

The RAS industry is growing every day and new applications of this technology is being tested all the time. While the community is still relatively small and young (compared to the larger aquaculture industry), it is important that the right foundations are being established now.

So after a year of consultations from trusted advisors in the industry, what do I think are the biggest topics we should address in 2024? 


The first topic is on versatility and adaptability. For a few years now, it feels as though the majority of the sector focused on fully recirculating, Atlantic salmon megafarms. But recently, I think we are all realizing that recirculating aquaculture technology can be as diverse as the fish in the sea. 

According to market reports, the companies that are enjoying profitability are not necessarily the highest water recirculation rates, nor are they targeting the majority consumer market share that Atlantic salmon holds globally. This trend has led many investors and aspiring operators to truly open up their imaginations to more possibilities for a successful RAS business. 

The second topic that I based this year’s conference around is the importance of good process. Many of us who observe the industry from the sidelines have seen projects crumble under the pressure of high production targets and tight deadlines. RAS technology is complicated as it is without throwing in the challenges of delayed construction timelines, political lobbying, and system failures. 

So, much of the program also emphasizes the importance of planning, testing, setting guidelines, training the team, and creating necessary redundancies that de-risk your overall operation.


I’m looking forward to facilitating some of these conversations, but also being a fly on the wall for many others. I’m grateful to the team of session chairs that I leaned on for their expertise. They are the ones that give me confidence that our team has developed an industry event that will move the needle in the right direction. 

For those who aren’t able to attend, I haven’t forgotten about you, dear reader. I have plans to share as much of the learnings from our flagship conference as I can physically manage, so stay tuned on our website and on our LinkedIn for updates. I hope you still join the conversation in some way. 

If you have ideas you’d like to share, or if you’d like to talk about the magazine, you can email me at jkodin@annexbusinessmedia.com. 

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