RASTECH Magazine

News Industry update
Gigante Salmon experiences fish mortality during smolt delivery

January 30, 2024  By RAStech staff

Gigante Salmon reported a “significant mortality” in its second delivery of smolt at its land-based flowthrough facility in Rødøy, Norway.

The Norwegian salmon producer announced on Jan. 23 that it started production in the first part of the Rødøy facility, with a release of 640,000 smolt with an average weight of approx. 100 grams. The overall mortality after the first release was approximately three per cent, while the second of the two deliveries had a six per cent mortality rate.

About 20,000 dead fish were registered, mainly related to the second delivery. The company said the fish was dead on arrival at the facility, and the cause is being mapped by a fish health service partner.

The company said the situation is under control, and the Rødøy facility is working as planned.


Helge E. W. Albertsen, chief executive officer of Gigante Salmon, said in a press release that the company’s focus is to ensure fish welfare in the best way, while also gaining experience and securing good operations.

“All mortality, regardless of the number, is undesirable. Our job is to ensure the fish has a good life, and it feels good to report that the situation we experienced after the second delivery is now clarified and under control,” said Albertsen.

The start of production was postponed compared to the original plan and the company has decided to deploy fewer smolt than initially planned last fall.

In its 2023 Q4 report, Gigante Salmon mentions the additional financing of NOK 306 million (US$29. 3 million) and its total investments increasing to NOK 506,018 (US$48,523) from NOK 385,260 (US$36,929) for Q3 2023. 


“It is with great satisfaction that we leave behind us a content-rich fourth quarter. We have strengthened the company’s financing, we have completed several installations, tested equipment and started production,” said Rune Johansen, chief financial officer, Gigante Salmon.

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