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RASLogic wins top consultancy award

June 24, 2024  By RAStech staff

Salmon smolt design. (Photo: Ivar Warrer-Hansen LinkedIn)

RASLogic, an aquaculture consultancy company, has received the 2024 Scandinavian Business Award for best consultancy company within food tech. 

The company was founded in 2020 by Ivar Warrer-Hansen, a land-based aquaculture pioneer, to help investors and others who have plans for RAS projects. Warrer-Hansen was co-founder and senior researcher at the aquaculture department under the Water Quality Institute in Denmark (now DHI). It was here the first research into commercial RAS developments in Europe happened, a press release from RASLogic said. 

He went to Ireland in 1982 where he took over a trout farm, built it up and established three more farms, producing 70 per cent of the Irish trout production. He also produced salmon smolt.

At RASLogic, Warrer-Hansen is reported to do feasibility studies, including production plans, design, and financial projections and has worked with many of the RAS concepts on the market.


When asked how he sees the future for land-based fish farming, Warrer-Hansen said it looks good, finally, but that there are some RAS suppliers, even some of the well-established, that need to improve or even change some aspects of their design.

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