RASTECH Magazine

Kingfish marks first Dutch Yellowtail harvest from Maine

April 5, 2023  By  Nestor Arellano

Tom Sorby, KingfishMaine operations manager, holding a market size yellowtail. (Photo: Kingfish Maine)

The Kingfish Company’s Maine recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) operations is moving forward with a limited release to the United States market of its first harvest of Dutch Yellowtail in Franklin, Maine.

Kingfish Maine is currently operating at the Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research (CCAR) in Franklin as it prepares for construction on a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) facility in Jonesport, Maine.

“We have worked three long years to arrive at this point – harvesting our first Dutch Yellowtail from Maine and completing all our permits for our land based Jonesport facility,” said Megan Sorby operations manager of Kingfish Maine. “This would not be possible without the collaborative work with our team at Kingfish Zeeland and our crew here at CCAR. We are excited to bring the first Dutch yellowtail from Maine to the market.”

Kingfish Maine started raising fingerlings from its sister company in the Netherlands at the company’s Franklin RAS facility. This small batch, limited release of Dutch Yellowtail from Maine will be distributed and served at restaurants in Maine, Boston, DC and California over the next two months.


Kingfish Maine intends capture the Yellowtail market in the U.S.

“Our first Maine harvest is a milestone for the Kingfish Company,” said Vincent Erenst, chief executive officer of The Kingfish Company. “Our US facility will mirror the operational excellence proven in the Netherlands. Kingfish Maine will be the largest producer of Yellowtail Kingfish in the US, providing local and sustainable Yellowtail to expanding markets.”

Kingfish Maine collaborated with Portland-based Bristol Seafood in the harvest. Bristol Seafood, which recently announced its B Corp. certification, is processing the limited reserve batch at its Portland facility.

“We are proud that the Kingfish team is entrusting us with processing and packaging its first Maine harvest of sustainably-raised Dutch yellowtail. We look forward to supporting Kingfish Maine as the company fully develops its facility in Jonesport,” said Peter Handy, president and CEO of Bristol Seafood.


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