RASTECH Magazine

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Nuvonic’s UV technology receives NVI approval

June 24, 2024  By RAStech staff

Nuvonic’s UV water treatment system Photo: Nuvonic

Nuvonic, a global UV technology solutions provider has received approval from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI), a biomedical research institute specializing in biosecurity.

The NVI has a mission to give research-based advisory and knowledge support to Norwegian Authorities in addition to supporting innovation and development of sustainable bioeconomic production and has approved Nuvonic’s range of USEPA-validated Proline PQ IL (Inline) units. 

Nuvonic said after it underwent rigorous testing and provided comprehensive validation results, technical data, and capacity tables to meet strict aquaculture biosecurity standards, these units now fall under the ‘RASline’ banner. 

The company has six RASline models designed for efficient water treatment. Using medium-pressure UVC lamps, the UV systems are compact and energy-efficient. They can be customized to target specific microorganisms and precise dosages.


Danny van Kuringen, regional sales manager – Central Europe, Nuvonic, said, “We’re honoured to receive endorsement from the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. Nuvonic’s NVI-approved UV systems empower aquaculture businesses by providing USEPA-validated UV equipment to prevent fish diseases. This means our systems offer precise UV treatment control, enhanced effectiveness thanks to multi-wavelength lamp tech, space-saving designs, energy efficiency, and efficient management of high water flows. It translates to healthier aquatic life, sustainable processes and a more successful aquacultural venture.”

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