RASTECH Magazine

RASTECH 2024 set to make another splash

May 6, 2024  By RAStech staff

Organizers of RASTECH 2024 (June 5-6, Charlotte, N.C., U.S.A.), an international conference and trade fair serving owners and operators of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) technology, have confirmed that this year’s event is set to be one of their best to date. Despite some setbacks in recent years, the land-based aquaculture sector continues to attract a lot of attention and interest, and organizers say that the attendee registrations and exhibitor support for this year’s conference back this up.

This conference gathers the world’s leading aquaculture professionals in one place to share their experiences on successes in the industry. Government agencies are taking advantage of this conference, sending their fish hatchery technicians to learn about the latest industry technologies as representatives from notable companies including Salmon Evolution, Proximar Seafood, Freshwater Institute and Benchmark Genetics share insights.  

Anne Beswick, group publisher of RAStech said it’s a two-day event that should not be missed. “The RASTECH Conference and Trade Fair brings together the best and brightest in the industry. Experts, suppliers and educators are able to come together to collaborate, network and learn about the latest RAS products and technology each year.  It’s always an exciting two days filled with incredible information and industry professionals,” said Beswick.

Ohad Maiman & Thue Holm of AquaFounders Capital will keynote on “A vision for RAS’s future” on the first day. James Tuller from Pure Salmon Technology will keynote on Day 2 on “Commissioning to success.” 


David Kuhn will speak about defining your market; Adriana Artiles will speak on genetics & broodstock, and scientists from Nofima, Carlo Lazado, and Trine Ytrestøyl will lead the research session. Other breakout sessions for Day 1 will feature topics like de-risking through design, smolt: drivers of RAS, building a team, health & disease management and research from SAS2, and Freshwater Institute.

 On the second day, there’ll be an Investors’ Forum led by ​​Justin Henry and Jamie Stein; Systems & equipment by  Dan Farkas; Advocacy & community by Maddi Badiola; Water Quality & treatment by Huy Tran and Research from Aquaculture Engineering Society led by Tim Pfeiffer. Other sessions for the day include consumer’s choice, waste and sludge. David Kuhn will also lead panel discussions.

The conference’s trade show will have over 70 exhibitors showcasing RAS-specific feeds and equipment, including a wide variety of technology to help operators achieve optimal water quality. 

“It’s pleasing to see so many repeat exhibitors supporting our trade show as well as some new industry suppliers coming to exhibit for the first time. In particular, it feels like RASTECH is fast becoming the entry point for companies from the wastewater treatment sector to come and showcase their applicable technologies to the land-based aquaculture industry. It makes a lot of sense for them to look at other markets like RAS, and so I’m glad our event provides them with this opportunity,” said Jeremy Thain, associate publisher, RAStech.


Industry professionals continue to register for the annual two-day international event in Charlotte at the conference website, www.ras-tec.com/, with numbers being capped at 350 people. RASTECH 2024 takes place on June 5-6 in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

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